Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Fundamentals of Botany, Volume I

N K Soni
Vandana Soni

ISBN: 0070681767
Copyright year: 2010

Molecular biology overlaps with other areas of biology, particularly with genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefl y concerns itself with the understanding of interactions between various systems of a cell including the inter-relationship of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. Study of cell biology includes the physiological properties of cells as well as their functions. This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level. Genetics is the science of genes, heredity and variation. Genes encode the information necessary for synthesising proteins, which in turn plays a large role in infl uencing the fi nal phenotype of an organism. In modern research, genetics provides important tools in the investigation of the function of a particular gene or the analysis of genetic interactions. Ecology deals with the distribution and abundance of living organisms and the interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecological systems are studied at several different levels. Biogeography deals with the study of spatial distribution of organisms on the earth. These are a few examples that demonstrate how botanical knowledge has an ongoing relevance to the understanding of biological manifestations.

Preface xi
Section 1 : Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogams
 1. Viruses 3
 1.1 Introduction and Historical Account 3
 1.2 Characteristics of Viruses 3
 1.3 Classifi cation of Viruses 4
 1.4 Structure, Size and Shape of Viruses 6
 1.5 Isolation and Characterisation of Viruses 7
 1.6 Virus Multiplication 10
 1.7 Certain Examples of Viruses 11
 1.8 Bacteriophages 12
 1.9 Plant Viruses 13
 1.10 Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) 16
 1.11 Viral Diseases of Human Beings 17
 1.12 Sub-Viral Particles 18
 2. Bacteria and Cyanobacteria 21
 2.1 Introduction and Historical Account 21
 2.2 Classifi cation 21
 2.3 Characteristics 22
 2.4 Structure of Bacterial Cell 23
 2.5 Mode of Nutrition 25
 2.6 Reproduction 26
 2.7 Economic Importance 28
 2.8 Cyanobacteria 31
 2.9 Mycoplasma 38
 2.10 Other Prokaryotes 39
 3. Thallophytes: Algae, Fungi and Lichens 42
 (A) ALGAE 42
 3.1 Introduction and Characteristics 42
 3.2 Classifi cation of Algae 42
 3.3 Reproduction in Algae 43
 3.4 Life Cycles in Algae 45
 3.5 Class-Chlorophyceae 47
 3.6 Chlamydomonas 49
 3.7 Volvox 54viii Contents
 3.8 Ulothrix 57
 3.9 Coleochaete 61
 3.10 Oedogonium 64
 3.11 Spirogyra 69
 3.12 Chara 71
 3.13 Class : Xanthophyceae 75
 3.14 Vaucheria 76
 3.15 Class-Phaeophyceae 80
 3.16 Ectocarpus 80
 3.17 Sargassum 84
 3.18 Class : Rhodophyceae 87
 3.19 Polysiphonia 87
 3.20 Economic Importance of Algae 91
 (B) FUNGI 93
 3.21 Introduction and Characteristics 93
 3.22 Pythium 99
 3.23 Phytophthora 102
 3.24 Zygomycotina 106
 3.25 Mucor 107
 3.26 Yeast 111
 3.27 Eurotium (Aspergillus) 115
 3.28 Chaetomium 118
 3.29 Peziza 119
 3.30 Basidiomycotina 122
 3.31 Puccinia 123
 3.32 Agaricus 128
 3.33 Economic Importance of Fungi 130
 (C) LICHENS 133
 3.34 Lichens 133
 4. Bryophytes 138
 4.1 Introduction 138
 4.2 Characteristics 138
 4.3 Classifi cation of Bryophytes 139
 4.4 Riccia 140
 4.5 Marchantia 143
 4.6 Pellia 146
 4.7 Class : Anthocerotae (Anthocerotopsida) 149
 4.8 Anthoceros 150
 4.9 Class - Musci (Bryopsida) 153
 4.10 Funaria 154 Contents ix
 5. Pteridophytes 158
 5.1 Introduction 158
 5.2 Characteristics 158
 5.3 Stelar System in Pteridophytes 159
 5.4 Classifi cation of Pteridophytes 161
 5.5 Structure of Rhynia Fossil 163
 5.6 Lycopodium 165
 5.7 Selaginella 168
 5.8 Equisetum 171
 5.9 Dryopteris and Pteris 174
 5.10 Marsilea 177
 Frequently Asked Descriptive Questions for B.Sc. Examination 181
 Multiple Choice Questions from PMT and other Competitive Examinations 188
Section 2 : Cell Biology and Genetics
 6. Cell and Cell Organelles: Structure and Functions 207
 6.1 Introduction 207
 6.2 Cell Shape and Size 208
 6.3 Structure of Plant Cell 208
 6.4 Cell Organelles 215
 6.5 Major Ergastic Substances of Plants 225
 7. Cell Cycle 227
 7.1 Interphase (Inter-Mitotic Phase) 227
 7.2 Cell Division: Mitosis and its Signifi cance 229
 7.3 Meiosis 234
 8. Nucleic Acids and Chromosome Organisation 239
 8.1 (A) DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) 239
 8.2 (B) Chromosome Organisation 252
 8.3 (C) RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) 259
 8.4 Central Dogma 262
 9. Genetic Code 263
 9.1 Introduction and Discovery 263
 9.2 Properties of Genetic Code 265
 9.3 Wobble Hypothesis 266
 10. Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis 267
 10.1 Introduction 267
 10.2 Nature of Proteins 267
 10.3 Classifi cation of Proteins 268
 10.4 Structure of Proteins 269x Contents
 10.5 Tests for Proteins 270
 10.6 Mechanism of Protein Synthesis 270
 11. Gene Regulation 276
 11.1 Prokaryotic Gene Expression 276
 11.2 Eukaryotic Gene Expression and its Regulation 279
 12. Genetic Variation 281
 12.1 (A) Mutation 281
 12.2 (B) Polyploidy 285
 13. Genetic Inheritance 289
 13.1 (A) Early Theories of Heredity 289
 13.2 Terminology 290
 13.3 (B) Mendelism 295
 13.4 (C) Post - Mendelian Genetics 302
 14. Commonly used Tools and Techniques 310
 14.1 Microscopy 310
 14.2 Cell Fractionation 314
 14.3 Autoradiography 314
 14.4 Spectrophotometry 315
 14.5 Microspectrophotometry 315
 14.6 Cytochemistry 315
 14.7 X-Ray Diffraction (X-Ray Crystallography) 315
 14.8 Chromatography 315
 14.9 Electrophoresis 317
 Frequently Asked Descriptive Questions for B.Sc. Examination 318
 Multiple Choice Questions from PMT and other Competitive Examinations 323
Appendix A: Scientists who are Said to be Fathers of Different Branches of Botany 339
Appendix B: Some Scientists and their Important Contributions 341
Appendix C: Some Renowned Botanists of India 345
Appendix D: Branches of Botany and Related Sciences 346
Appendix E: Some Common Abbreviations 349
Appendix F: Famous Books of Botany and their Authors 351
Appendix G: Some Research Organisations, Institutions and Gardens in India 352
Appendix H: Nobel Laureates in Botany and Related Disciplines 354
Index 357