Internet Directory for Botany - Alphabetical List

Last updated 10 May 2010
the Page:

- A Biologist's Guide to Internet
Resources by Una Smith (WWW version from SunSite, USA)
- A botanical trip in the university of
Kassel, Germany
- A Checklist of the Fortuna Watershed,
Chiriqui, Panama
- A Comparison of the Structure
and Composition of Montane and Lowland Tropical Forest in the Serranía
Pilón Lajas, Beni, Bolivia
- A Computer-Assisted Annotated
Bibliography and Preliminary Survey of Nevada Paleobotany by Schorn, H.E.,
C.J. Bell, S.W. Starratt, and D.W. Wheeler (1994)
- A Cumulative Checklist for the
Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United
States and Canada
- A
Home Gardening Guide
- A Mini-Course in Medical Botany Syllabus
by James A. Duke
- A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve
- A New Species of Dioscorea from
Costa Rica
- A Reference List for Plant
Re-introductions, Recovery Plans and Restoration Programmes, Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, UK
- A revision of Collybia s.l. in the
northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
- A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms by Frances
M. Cardillo, O.S.F. and Tonya S. Samuels Department of Biology Manhattan
College and the College of Mt. St. Vincent, USA
- A Synonymized Checklist of the
Vascular Flora of the United States , Canada and Greenland, 1994
- A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular
Flora of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
- A Tour of the Flynn Bogs System, Texas
- A Trip to an East Texas
Sandstone Outcrop, Texas A & M University
- A.R.I.D.E.S. - Association de
Recherche et d'Information sur les Déserts Et les Succulentes (ARIDES)
- Aboca Museum
- Bibliotheca Antiqua
- About
Oak Trees
- About.com:
- Acacias at the Australian
National Botanic Gardens
- Academic Press - APNet Home
Page, San Diego, USA
- Academy of Natural Sciences,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Access to Biological Collection Data
(ABCD) Schema
- Access to Genetic Resources and
Benefit-Sharing - Common Policy Guidelines
- Acta
Botanica Malacitana, Spain
- Acta
Botanica Mexicana
- Acta
Botanica Yunnanica
- Acta
Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica
- Acta
Phytotaxonomica Sinica
- ActKey - Web-based interactive
identification keys
- Adenium Picture Page
- Adeniums
- African
Blackwood Conservation Project
- African Plant Checklist and Database
Project, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
- African Plant Key Project, Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, U.K.
- African Plants
Initiative (Aluka)
- African
Projects, Missouri Botanical Garden
- African Violet
Society of America
- African Violet
Society of Canada
- AG Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein
und Hamburg, Germany
- Ag-Links (WWW Sites of Interest
to Agriculture)
- AgNet -
Australian Agriculture
- AGRICOLA - US National
Agricultural Library's (NAL)
- Agricultural
Research Centre of Finland
- Agriculture
B2B Directory
- AgricultureToday.com
- AgriSeek.com
- Agronet
- Aktuelle Verbreitungskarten der Farn-
und Blütenpflanzen Baden-Württembergs, Germany
- Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für
Pflanzenwissenschaften, Systematische Botanik, Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen (Germany)
- Album of the Plants of Israel
- Albums photo de
- AlgaeBase
- AlgaTerra
Information System
- All About
- Allen Centennial Gardens Virtual Tour, USA
- AllPages.com
- Alnwick
Garden Project
- Alpine Field Station of
Lautaret (Alpine Biology Research Center of Grenoble University FRANCE)
- Alpine-L, the Electronic Rock Garden
- Alta
Vista Gardens, USA
- Aluka African
Plants Portal
- Amaryllidaceae.org
- Amazonian
Aquatic Ecology
- Ambrosia.de - über Beifußblättriges
Traubenkraut / Ambrosia artemisiifolia
- Amelanchier Systematics and
- American
Bamboo Society
- American
Botanical Council
- American
Bryological and Lichenological Society
- American
Bryophyte Catalog
- American
Clematis Society
- American
Clivia Society
- American College Arboretum, Bryn Mawr,
Pennsylvania, USA
- American
Community Gardening Association
- American
Conifer Society
- American
Dahlia Society
- American Dianthus Society
(Gardenweb), USA
- American
Fern Society
- American Floral Endowment
Research Database Links
- American Forests: National
Register of Big Trees
- American Gloxinia & Gesneriad Society
Home Page, USA
- American
Hibiscus Society
- American
Hosta Growers Association
- American Iris
- American Journal of Botany
(Europe and Asia)
- American Journal of Botany (NA)
- American
Orchid Society
- American
Public Gardens Association
- American
Society for Horticultural Science
- American
Society for Photobiology
- American Society of Plant
Physiologists, USA
- American
Society of Plant Taxonomists
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists:
Current News
- Amorphophallus
(corpse flowers)
- Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden
(Captain Cook, Hawaii, USA)
- An
Introduction to Lichens
- Ancient
Bristlecone Pine
- Andean
Botanical Information System (ABIS)
- Andre Michaux, Explorer,
Collector, Botanist, North Carolina, USA
- Androsace
- Angiosperm
Phylogeny Website
- Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS), USA
- Annals
of Botany, UK
- Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants
of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
- Annotated Checklist of the
Vascular Plants of the Serranía de Pilón Lajas and the Adjacent Piedmont,
Ballivian Province, Beni, Bolivia
- Announcing a test and trial phase for the
registration of new plant names (1998-1999)
- Annuaire des Sciences de la
Terre: Botanique
- Annual Review of Cell and
Developmental Biology
- Annual Review of Ecology and
- Annual
Review of Genetics
- Annual
Review of Microbiology
- Annual Review of Plant
Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology
- Annual
Reviews Inc.
- Annual
Reviews: Biomedical Sciences
- Annual Systematics Symposium, Missouri
Botanical Garden
- Anthurium Primer edited by Neil
- AP Biology:
Plant Biology
- Applied Maths: Software for
Taxonomy and Phylogeny
- Applied Research DNA Specimen
Database, Missouri Botanical Garden
- Aquaphyte Newsletter
- Aquatic
and Wetland Plant Forum
- Aquatic Biology resources on
the Internet
- Aquatic Plant Information
Retrieval System (APIRS)
- Aquatische
Neophyten in Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Arabidopsis
Gene Family Profiler
- Arabidopsis
Information Management System (AIMS)
- Arabidopsis
Information Resource (TAIR)
- Araceae in Flora of Ecuador
- Araliales Resource Centre
- Arbeitskreis
Heimische Orchideen Baden-Württemberg
- Arbeitskreise
Heimische Orchideen (AHO) Deutschland
- Arboretum at
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
- Arboretum Borova Hora, Technical
University in Zvolen, Slovakia
- Arboretum de
Villardebelle, France
- Arboretum national du Vallon de
l'Aubonne (AAVA), Switzerland
- Arboretum Volèji Potok,
Slovenia (Europe)
- Arboriculture Online,
International Society of Arboriculture
- ArchiveGrid
- Archives and Manuscripts, New York
Botanical Garden, USA
- Arizona
- Sonoran Desert Museum, USA
- Arizona
Cactus Botanical Garden (Bisbee, AZ, USA)
- Arizona's East
Valley Garden Club
- Arkansas Diversity - The Vascular Flora,
- Armenia
Tree Project
- Arnica (Asteraceae)
Type Specimen Database
- Arnold Arboretum of Harvard
University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Arnold
Arboretum: Searchable Plant Inventory
- Arnoldia, The Magazine of the Arnold
Arboretum, USA
- Arzneipflanzenlexicon
- Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants
- Ashridge
Trees Nursery, UK
- Asian and Pacific Projects,
Missouri Botanical Garden
- Asian
- Ask Me
Help Desk
- Associació Catalana d'Amics de
les Orquídies
- Associação
Lusitana de Fitossociologia - ALFA
- Association Endemia - Faune et
Flore de Nouvelle Calédonie
- Association for the Diffusion
of Plants for Enthusiasts (A.Di.P.A.)
- Asters and Goldenrods: Diversity and
- ATCROS - Australasian Tree
Crops Source Book
- Athyrium in Taiwan
- Atlantis
Botanic Garden, Universiteit Utrecht
- Atlas Florae
- Atlas
of Florida Vascular Plants
- Atlas of
Living Australia
- Atlas of Medicinal Plants by
Daniel Haake
- Atlas of Relations Between
Climatic Parameters and Distributions of Important Trees and Shrubs in
North America
- Atlas of the Flora of New
- Atlas of the Vascular Plants of
- Au Cactus Francophone : cactus
et plantes succulentes
- Auburn University Horticulture
Department, Alabama, USA
- Ausstellung - Darwin's Garten -
Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.
- Australian Arid
Lands Botanic Garden
- Australian
Biological Resources Study, ABRS
- Australian Department of
Environment and associated agencies
- Australian Flora and Vegetation
Statistics, Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Australian Flora Resources
- Australian Journal of
- Australian Journal of Plant Physiology -
An international journal of plant function
- Australian
National Botanic Gardens
- Australian National Herbarium,
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (CANB; Canberra, Australia)
- Australian
Native Hibiscus
- Australian Native
Plants Forum
- Australian
Nurseries Online
- Australian
Plant Society Tasmania
- Australian Systematic
- Australian
Systematic Botany Society
- Australian
Use of Native Plants
- Australia's
Virtual Herbarium
- Authors of
Fungal Names
- Autumn Leaf Scrapbook, Missouri Botanical
Garden, USA
- Avant-Gardening:
Creative Organic Gardening
- Azalea
Society of America

Send corrections and additions to:
Anthony R. Brach: brach
(at) oeb.harvard.edu