ნაწარმოების სათაური:
კულტურულ მცენარეთა ზონები საქართველოში
კეცხოველი, ნიკო
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ფიზიკური მატარებლის სახე:
გამოსახვის ენა:
ძირითადი ენა:
გამოცემის ადგილი:
გამოცემის თარიღი:
საქ. სსრ. მეცნ. აკად. გამომცემლობა
ფიზიკური აღწერილობა:
487 გვ. : 1ფ. რუქ.; 26 სმ.
ფიზიკური მახასიათებლები:
ზოგადი შენიშვნა:
კულტურულ მცენარეთა ზონები საქართველოში / საქ. სსრ. მეცნ. აკადემია. - თბ. : საქ. სსრ. მეცნ. აკად. გამ-ბა, 1957.
თემა / თემატიკა:
საქართველოს მცენარეულობა
საქართველოს კულტურული მცენარეები
ანოტაცია / რეზიუმე:
რეზუმე რუსულ ენაზე
მოკლე შინაარსი:
საგანი / საგნობრივი რუბრიკა:
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია:
UDC: 581.9(479.22)
ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ბოტანიკის ინსტიტუტი
ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ბოტანიკის ინსტიტუტის სამეცნიერო ბიბლიოთეკა
Friday, April 18, 2014
კულტურულ მცენარეთა ზონები საქართველოში / ნიკო კეცხოველი
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Maia Akhalkatsi
Institute of Botany, Tbilisi, Georgia
genetic resources
reproductive ecology
Refereed Papers
[01] Pauli,
H., Gottfried, M., Dullinger, S., Abdaladze, O., Akhalkatsi, M., Alonso,
J.L.B., Coldea, G., Dick, J., Erschbamer, B., Fernández Calzado, R., Ghosn, D.,
Holten, J.I., Kanka, R., Kazakis, G., Kollár, J., Larsson, P., Moiseev, P.,
Moiseev, D., Molau, U., Molero Mesa, J., Nagy, L., Pelino, G., Pu?ca?, M.,
Rossi, G., Stanisci, A., Syverhuset, A. O., Theurillat, J.-P., Tomaselli, M.,
Unterluggauer, P., Villar, L., Vittoz, P., Grabherr G. 2012. Recent plant
diversity trends on Europe¡¯s mountain summits. Science 336, 353-355. DOI:
[02] Gottfried,
M., Pauli, H., Futschik, A., Akhalkatsi, M., Baran?ok P., Alonso, J.L.B.,
Coldea, G., Dick, J., Erschbamer, B., Rosa, M., Calzado, F., Kazakis G.,
Kraj?i, J., Larsson, P., Mallaun, M., Michelsen, O., Moiseev, D.15, Moiseev,
P., Molau, U., Merzouki, A., Nagy, L., Nakhutsrishvili, G., Pedersen, B.,
Pelino, G., Puscas, M., Rossi, G., Stanisci, A., Theurillat, J.-P., Tomaselli,
M., Villar, L., Vittoz, P., Vogiatzakis, I., Grabherr G. 2012. An early warning
signal for a continental-scale response to ongoing climate change. Nature
Climate Change 2, 111¨C115. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1329.
[03] Asanidze
Z., Akhalkatsi M., Gvritishvili M. 2011. Comparative morphometric study and
relationships between the Caucasian species of wild pear (Pyrus spp.) and local
cultivars in Georgia. Flora 206, 11:974-986. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2011.04.010.
[04] Akhalkatsi
M., Ekhvaia J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O.,
Batsatsashvili K. 2010. Reasons and processes leading to the erosion of crop
genetic diversity in mountainous regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and
Development 30, 3:304-310.
[05] Ekhvaia
J., Akhalkatsi M. 2010. Morphological variation and relationships of Georgian
populations of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi. Flora
205, 9:608-617. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2009.08.002.
[06] Hughes
N.M., Johnson D.M., Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O. 2009. Characterizing Betula
litwinowii seedling microsites at the alpine-treeline ecotone, Central Greater
Caucasus Mountains, Georgia. Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 41,1:112-118
[07] Pistrick,
K., Akhalkatsi M., Girgvliani T. Shanshiashvili T. 2009. Collecting plant
genetic resources in Upper Svaneti (Georgia, Caucasus Mountains). J. Agric.
Rural Dev. Trop. Subtrop. Supplement 92:127-135.
[08] Erschbammer
B., Mallaun M., Unterluggauer P., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili
G. 2010. Species richness and distribution above the treeline in the Central
Alps (Italy) and in the Central Caucasus (Georgia). Tuexenia 30:11-29.
[09] Akhalkatsi,
M., Lorenz, R., M. Mosulishvili. 2007. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung
Dactylorhiza in Georgien (Kaukasus). Ein Beitrag zum OPTIMA-Projekt »Kartierung
der mediterranen Orchideen«.- Jber. naturwiss. Ver. Wuppertal 60, 13-100.
[10] Akhalkatsi
M., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Smith W.K. 2006. Rhododendron caucasicum and microtopography extend the Betula litwinowii
alpine treeline (Caucasus Mountains, Georgia). Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. 38,
[11] Akhalkatsi,
M. 2006. International cooperative projects in botany with participation of
Georgian scientists. Georgien - Postsowjetische Umbrüche
und Hoffnungen auf Europa. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Arbeits- und
Diskussiospapier 6: 37-39.
[12] Akhalkatsi
M., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M. 2006. Orchids and
their habitats in Georgia. J Eur. Orch. 38 (2):
286 ¨C 287.
[13] Kimeridze
M., Akhalkatsi M., Herbst P. 2006. Gefährdung und Schutzmaßnahmen für Georgiens
Wälder. Forstzeitung 117, 4:32-33.
[14] Akhalkatsi
M., Baumann H., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M., Peter R. 2005. Beiträge zur
Kenntnis kaukasischer Orchideen. J Eur. Orch. 37 (4): 889 ¨C 914.
[15] Akhalkatsi
M., Lösch R. 2005. Water limitation effect on seed
development and germination in Trigonella coerulea (Fabaceae). Flora 200, 6:
[16] Akhalkatsi
M., Lorenz R., Matchutadze I., Mosulishvili M. 2004. Spiranthes amoena ¨C a new
species for flora of Georgia. J Eur. Orch. 36, 3 : 745-754.
[17] K.
Pistrick, M. Akhalkatsi, and G. Nakhutsrishvili. 2003. Collecting Allium in
Georgia (Caucasus mountains) 2002. Allium Improvement
Newsletter, 13:1-7
[18] Akhalkatsi
M., Kimeridze M., Künkele S., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M. 2001. Orchids of Georgia. J Eur. Orch. 33, 1 : 457-458.
[19] Akhalkatsi
M., Lösch R. 2001. Changes in Water Relations, Solute Leakage and Growth
Characters During Seed Germination and Seedling Development in Trigonella
coerulea (Fabaceae). J. Appl. Bot. 75, 3-4 : 144-151.
[20] Akhalkatsi
M., Pfauth M., Calvin C. 1999. Structural aspects of seed and ovule development
and non-random abortion in Melilotus officinalis (Fabaceae). Protoplasma 208,
1-4 : 211- 223.
[21] Gvaladze
G., Akhalkatsi M. 1998. Double fertilization in Peperomia pellucida.
Phytomorphology 48, 4 : 405-409.
[22] Akhalkatsi
M., Wagner J. 1997. Comperative embryology of three mountain Gentianaceae in
the Central Caucasus and the European Alps. Plant Syst. Evol. 204, 3-4: 39-48.
[23] Akhalkatsi
M., Wagner J. 1996. Reproductive phenology and seed development of Gentianella
caucasea in different habitats in the Central Caucasus. Flora 191, 1-2 : 161-168.
[24] Wagner
J., Achalkazi M., Mayr S. 1995. Anwendung quantitativ-embryologischer Methoden
in Entwicklungsbiologie und Reproduktionsoekologie der Pflanzen. Anzeiger
Oester. Akad. Wiss. math.-nat. Kl., 131 : 7-18.
[25] Vassilyev
A.E., Akhalkatsi M. 1993. Structural and
functional characterization of capitate trichoms in some Urticaceae. Bot.
Zhurn. 78, 12 : 1-8. (Russ.).
[26] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G. 1992. Seasonal changes of ultrastructure of embryo sac of
Galanthus nivalis L. (Amaryllidaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 77, 1 : 66-73. (Russ.).
[27] Gvaladze
G., Akhalkatsi M. 1992. On depression of chalazal part of an embryo sac in
Angiosperms. Bot. Zhurn. 77, 7 : 71-75. (Russ.).
[28] Gvaladze
G., Akhalkatsi M. 1990. Is the Polygonum type embryo sac primitive?
Phytomorphology 40, 3-4 : 331-337.
[29] Ciamporova
M., Akhalkatsi M., Gvaladze G. 1988. Ultrastructure of the sterile tissues of
the ovule of Galanthus nivalis L. (Amaryllidaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 73, 12 :
1722-1730. (Russ.).
[30] Gvaladze
G., Akhalkatsi M. 1988. Ultrastructure of autumn and spring embryo sac of
Galanthus nivalis L. Ann. Univ. L¡¯ARERS, 23 : 152-154.
[31] Togonidze,
N., Akhalkatsi M. 2010. Sky exposition effect on phenological rhythm of Primula
species. Proc. Tbilisi Bot. Gard. 98:55-71 (Georg.).
[32] M.
Akhalkatsi, M. Bokeria, I. Maisaia. 2007. Wild and Cultivated Species of Savory
(Satureja L.) in Georgia and their Use. Proc. Tbilisi
Bot. Gard. 97:126-131.
[33] Nadirashvili
N., Gvaladze G., Akhalkatsi M. 2006. Structure and
function of the hypertrophic synergid in some species of genus Allium L. Proc.
Georg. Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. B, 4,2:53-60.
[34] Nadirashvili
N., Gvaladze G., Akhalkatsi M. 2005. Atypical embryo sacs in Allium cepa L.
Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. 171, 2:312-314.
[35] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G., Gachechiladze M. 2004. Relationships between structure of the
reproductive organs and the life cycle in the family Gentianaceae. Bull. Georg.
Acad. Sci. 170, 1 : 125-129.
[36] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G., Gachechiladze M., Taralashvili N.. 2004. Embryology of
Gentiana angulosa and G. pontica (Gentianaceae). Proc. Geor. Acad. Sci., Biol.
Ser. B, 2, 1-2 : 29-34.
[37] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G. 1999. The ultrastructure of ovule sterile tissues of Peperomia
caperata (Piperaceae). Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. 159, 1: 130-132.
[38] Akhalkatsi
M. 1998. Age and spatial structure in populations of three Astragalus species
(Tragacantha, Fabaceae) In: Plant Life in High-Mountains. Eds. G.
Nakhutsrishvili, O.Abdaladze, Tbilisi, pp.20-26.
[39] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G., Taralashvili N. 1998. Embryology of Primula algida and Primula
amoena (Primulaceae). Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. 157, 1 : 98-100.
[40] Gvaladze
G., Akhalkatsi M. 1996. Comparative embryology of some Astragalus species.
Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci. 153, 3 : 432-434.
[41] Gvaladze
G., Chochia K., Akhalkatsi M. 1994. Fertilization in Indian lotus - Nelumbo
nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae). Bull. Geor. Acad. Sci. 150, 3 : 515-518.
[42] Akhalkatsi
M., Beridze M., Gvaladze G. 1989. Female and male gametophytes of Astragalus
caucasicus Pall. Proc. Georg. Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol., 15, 4 : 164-168. (Russ.).
[43] Akhalkatsi
M., Beridze M., Gvaladze G. 1988. Embryo and endosperm development in
Astragalus caucasicus Pall. Bull. Geor. Acad. Sci. 132, 3 : 601-604. (Georg).
[44] Akhalkatsi
M., Gvaladze G. 1988. Ultrastructure of the egg cell and zygote of Galanthus
nivalis L. (Amaryllidaceae). Bull. Geor. Bot. Soc. 8 : 187-199. (Russ.).
[45] Akhalkatsi,
M., Mosulishvili M., Kimeridze M., Maisaia, I. 2009. Traditional use of
medicinal plants in historical Tao-Klarjeti. Elkana, 1(2):4-6.
[46] Akhalkatsi,
M., Mosulishvili M., Kimeridze M., Maisaia, I. 2006. Saffron- a valuable
medicinal plant. Biomeurne, 1(12):33-35 (Georg.).
[47] Akhalkatsi
M., Kimeridze M., Maisaia I., Mosulishvili M. 2005. Flowless profits. Cauc.
Envir., 4(13):34-37.
[48] Akhalkatsi
M., Mosulishvili M., Kimeridze M. 2004. Iris family in Georgia. Cauc. Envir.,
2, 7 : 13-16.
[49] Akhalkatsi
M., Mosulishvili M. 2004. Wetland orchid Spiranthes amoena in Georgia. Cauc.
Envir., 1, 6 : 30-31.
M., Tarkhnishvili, D. 2012. Habitats of Georgia, GTZ, Tbilisi.
M. 2009. Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives in
Samtskhe-Javakheti. Tbilisi. Elkana.
Maia; Kimeridze Mariam; Mosulishvili Marine; Maisaia Inesa 2008. Conservation
and Sustainable Utilization of Rare Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti.
Final Report. Tbilisi pp. 167.
M.. Kimeridze, M., Mosulishvili, M., Maisaia, I. 2005. Conservation and
Sustainable Utilization of the Endangered Medicinal Plants in
Samtskhe-Javakheti. Environmental Baseline. Tbilisi. pp. 80.
M., Kimeridze M., Künkele S., Lorenz R., Mosulishvili M. 2003. Diversity and
conservation of Georgian orchids. Tbilisi, CGS Ltd. pp. 40.
M., Ekhvaia, J., Asanidze, Z. 2012. Diversity and Genetic Erosion of Ancient
Crops and Wild Relatives of Agricultural Cultivars for Food: Implications for
Nature Conservation in Georgia (Caucasus), Perspectives on Nature Conservation
- Patterns, Pressures and Prospects, Prof. John Tiefenbacher (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-51-0033-1, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/perspectives-on-nature-conservation-patterns-pressures-and-prospects/diversity-and-genetic-erosion-of-ancient-crops-and-wild-relatives-of-agricultural-cultivars-for-food
G., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M. 2006. Biotope types of the treeline of the
Central Greater Caucasus. In: D. Gafta, J. Akeroyd (eds), Nature Conservation:
Concepts and Practice. Springer, Berlin, NY, pp. 211-225.
Academic Activities
Paper Reviewer
of Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
of Tree Physiology
of African Journal of Agricultural Research
1992-1994 Biology course, College of Natural
Sciences at the Institute of Physics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi.
1999-2001 Biology course, Faculty of Physics,
I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
2006-2009 Plant morphology, Faculty of Life
Sciences, Ilia Chavchavadze State University.
-2011 Plant morphology and
genetic resources, Institute of Ecology, Ilia State University, Tbilisi.
2012 Plant morphology, Plant
genetic resources and forest ecology. Faculty of Sciences and Art, Ilia State
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